Los mejores juguetes para perros de Navidad (2018)

Quieres comprarle a tu mascota juguetes de felpa con motivos Navideños originales y divertidos? A continuación te mostramos los juguetes de Navidad para perros que más nos han gustado con un acabado muy pulcro y con unas texturas ideales para perros. Son de la Marca PLAY. toda una garantía de calidad.

Hay disponible muchos modelos Navideños: el muñeco gengibre, la taza de Hot Chocolate, la bolsa de golosinas de Happy Holidays, el postre de Navidad y el pollo asado… toda una chulada! Aqui los puedes ver…


Estas son sus caracterísiticas según su fabricante:

  • Available in 5 yummy options – purchase the full set to save $5.40 and receive them in a fun gift box
  • Yule love this crinkly, roll-up Yummy Yuletide Log keeping your pup engaged during your dinner party with its new tube squeaker
  • Get ready for a tug-of-war between you and your pup over who gets the last leg in our Holiday Hound Turkey featuring stretchable drumsticks! If your pup gets a bit too hungry and finishes off the turkey until there’s nothing but shreds left, you’ll be pleasantly surprised when a durable, fun squeaker ball pops out to provide your pup with even more hours of rambunctious playtime.
  • Welcome to squeaker-mania! Challenge your pup with our interactive, 3-in-1 Cheerful Candy Canes where half the fun is getting these squeaktastic treats out of the bag. Play find-the-squeaker with our Holly Jolly Gingerbread Man and see if your pup can find all 5 or take a break and cozy up in your favorite lounging spot with a good ol’ cup of Ho Ho Hot Chocolate.
  • Hand-made craftsmanship, double layer exterior and double-stitched edges ensure extra durability
  • Eco-friendly PlanetFill® filler is made from 100% post-consumer certified-safe recycled plastic bottles
  • Machine washable and dryer friendly
  • Features AZO-free dyes

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