Chuckit! Amphibious Bumper Juguete Flotante para Perros, S

Descripción de: Chuckit! 183101 Amphibious Bumper Juguete Flotante para Perros, S

The Chuckit! Amphibious is a dog toy that provides lots of outdoor fun! This toy makes for a great game of fetch. It is made of a combination of durable memory foam and tooth-rugged nylon that allows for superior flight in the air and high floatation in the water, and with bright colors they are also easy to spot!El Chuckit Amphibious Bumper está hecho de nailon reforzado, goma y espuma de memoria
Está diseñado en un material suave y duradero, fabricado para flotar y resistir la abrasión
De alta calidad
Categoría: Chuckit!

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