Bertín Perro de Agua Español subiendo las escaleras

Bertín Perro de Agua Español subiendo las escaleras.
There is no doubt that Spanish Water Dogs are amazing and wonderful. I just would like to quote Antonio García word by word :

«I like to play with my dogs and every day I learn something with them.» «For example: going surfing, identifying various objects by their name, bringing specific objects to someone, climbing trees, going up almost vertical ladders and stairs, cutting ropes, even turning a car engine and bringing the keys to the owner, and thousands of other examples they do because they like it and they like to make their owners happy.»

In conclusion, simply remember that the reason today we enjoy this multi-talented breed is due to its usefulness and that is what its future is based upon. To keep the breed strong and unique we must play and work with dogs.
Videos de Perro de Agua. Descubre todo sobre el Perro de Agua: carácter, alimentación, tipos, medidas, pelaje…




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